A service to improve the habitat suitability of birds in agriculture

Forest damage monitoring 2017 – 2023
Annual nationwide monitoring of forest condition in Germany
Talk about biodiversity on active military training areas
Gregor Weyer reports at the Sustainable Training Area Management Workshop in Pordenone, Italy.
Storymap and dashboard for the FeMoPhys research project online!
The virtual flagship of the FeMoPhys project has now gone live.
RailVitaliTree research project launched
Tree vitality monitoring and modelling of drought-related risks along railways with remote sensing and dendroecology
FeMoPhys – Development of a remote sensing-based forest monitoring method
Remote sensing-based monitoring based on a physiologically based vitality assessment of main tree species in mixed stands
Urban Green Roofs
Remote Sensing Based Mapping and Inventory of Urban Green Roofs - the Example of Berlin
SUEDLINK – Biotope type mapping
LUP carries out the preliminary investigation for the biotope type inventory for the wind power lines for the first time by combining aerial images and Sentinel 2a data
InBoMo - Indicator-based soil moisture monitoring of river flood plains synergistically utilizing Sentinel and other remote sensing data
Feasibility study “Carbon Neutral Berlin 2050”
under management of the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK); by order of the Senatsverwaltung für Stadtentwicklung Berlin
Change detection analysis for the monitoring of biodiversity with TerraSAR-X and RapidEye satellite data